NZ Entry Forms
From January 2020 all AEC and RAV exam entries are to be processed on the new Online Exam entry system. Access to this is through your Members’ Area login. Please contact the office if you require any assistance with this.
Progress Reports
- Dance to Your Own Tune Demonstration Class progress report
- Presentation Class progress report Grades 6-8
Reasonable adjustment, result enquiry and special consideration
- Reasonable adjustment – application form and policy
- Result enquiry – application form and policy
- Special consideration – application form and policy
Study choice forms
These forms are optional, but can be used by teachers to indicate what dance choices their candidates have made.
- Primary in Dance, Grade 1-5 examinations
- Grade 6-7 examinations
- Grade 8 examinations
- Grades 1-5 Solo Performance awards
Music choice forms
These should be completed and sent to the relevant RAD office for exams in RAVs. Completing the forms correctly will ensure that the appropriate music choices are played.