20 October 2022 13:20

We are very pleased to let you know that bookings are now open for this very special NZ RAD online event: Spotlight on choreographer Loughlan Prior: https://www.royalacademyofdance.org/event/spotlight-on-choreographer-loughlan-prior-entertain-delight-series/

Loughlan Prior, RAD and NZSD alumnus, Choreographer-in-Residence to the RNZB and one of NZ’s most talented and celebrated choreographers, will be talking with RAD Artistic Director, Gerard Charles live from London. The conversation will be interspersed with recent footage of rehearsals with the students of the NZSD for their forthcoming Performance Season: https://nzschoolofdance.ac.nz/performance-season/ as well from his recently staged works Hansel and Gretel, Firebird and Cinderella.

The event is free to members (£6 for non-members) and can be watched live in NZ on: Tuesday 29 November 8am – 9am (28 November 7pm-8pm GMT)

The event will include a Q & A session for the worldwide audience to ask questions.

For those of you who can’t attend at that time, the event will be available via the members’ area.